On Wednesday, 12 June, the solar panel project begins its end: the panels are being installed! Over the course of three days, the church roof will be transformed into a clean-energy generating machine with 60 high-efficiency solar panels going up, which will cover all of Holy Trinity’s annual electricity demands. We are excited to see this project coming to such a wonderful conclusion.
The idea for installing solar panels on the roof has been around for a while, but the question was renewed with vigor in October 2018 at a “Theology on Tap” meeting about Christian responses to the climate crisis. Several members of Holy Trinity, from across the congregations, wondered if Holy Trinity could generate its own clean energy. After consulting with the church architect and the Commune of Ixelles, it was deemed to be possible. The Church Council took the decision to raise half of the funds from the congregations and to use the building reserve to cover the reminder. In a few short months, the money was raised — more than 50% of the costs!
With this project being completed, Holy Trinity continues its journey to becoming an Eco-Church, as part of the Diocese in Europe, which has voted to become an Eco-Diocese. The Mission Committee of Holy Trinity has set aside €2000 for a project that fulfills one of the five marks of mission for the Anglican Communion: care for creation. If you would like to apply for this funding for a specific project, the Committee can be contacted here.
Keep your eyes open for more details!