Home Groups
Home groups offer a space where you can share your life of faith with other believers. They are places where you can be known, make friends, learn more about the Christian tradition and scriptures, pray and grow in maturity. Home groups are a great way to get connected! Email admin@holytrinity.be for more information.
les mercredis | Groupe francophone A bruxelles 1000 chez lucy fonderson (près de madou)
18:30 - 20:30, commencent le 2 Octobre. Un endroit idéal pour se connecter avec d’autres autour de la parole de Dieu, où on peut partager sa vie, sa foi, et échanger ses idées; où on peut avoir des nouvelles connaissances, se faire des amis, avoir un soutien dans la prière et grandir dans la foi.
Wednesdays at 19:30 | Dinner and Home Group in Etterbeek
Kicking off every Wednesday evening with a light supper of soup, this group includes a wide range of backgrounds which make for lively discussion of various books and group studies.
NEW! Wednesday at 19:30 | Bible study at Church House
Starting 8 May: a new bible study group will meet at Church House weekly. Our first study is an exciting look at the Church and what we can learn about it from the Book of Acts. Although the default language of the group will be English, all are warmly invited. If you would like to join us or would like to find out more, please contact admin@holytrinity.be
Thursdays at 20:15 | ONLINE Home Group
This group brings people together from different backgrounds and theological traditions to engage with God’s word and develop their faith. This group is welcoming new members.
Fridays at 12:45 | Home Group in Woluwe St Lambert
Meeting every Friday at midday to share lunch from 12:45 to 13:15, with a Bible discussion afterwards until 15:00. This group is welcoming new members. People from any church in Brussels are welcome!