Join Us In Person or Online!
Restrictions on church attendance have eased significantly now that COVID-19 is less prevalent than it was. We still have some safety measures in places and are anxious to ensure that the church remains a safe and healthy place for all. You are no longer asked to register before attending church and no longer required to wear a facemask. However, we do ask you to respect those who wish to maintain social distancing and may prefer to wear a mask.
For those who are still unable to attend church safely, we will continue to stream our Sunday services at 10:30, 14:00, and 18:00 so that they can worship with us from their homes.
Join the 10:30 Service of Holy Communion via Zoom here. Services can also be accessed via YouTube.
Join the 14:00 Service of Holy Communion via the Holy Trinity YouTube Channel on Sundays (available for playback from Monday).
Join the 18:00 Sunday evening service via Zoom here. Services can also be accessed via YouTube.
Children’s work - Godly Play, Pathfinders, and Seekers have resumed meeting in church. Contact our children’s and youth worker Philip Milton for more details about children’s and youth activities.
PrayIng together
Click the links below (passcode: htb) to join us for our daily prayer during the week:
Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 9:00
Compline: Monday to Friday, 21:00
We use the “Time to Pray” app, which can be downloaded (“Time to Pray” on iOS; “Time to Pray” on Android), or you can follow on the Church of England’s website. For the website, please scroll down to “Prayer During the Day” or “Night Prayer.”
Digital and Printable Resources
As we wait and live through this season, we wanted to share several resources that may help bridge the feelings of isolation and encourage us all in prayer and in our discipleship of Christ. These are listed below.
HTB’s WhatsApp Channel — Crossposted Information about Activities and Services
Worship at Home — Resources and Ideas
Pray as You Go (En Français) — Meditation App
Pray as You Stay — Meditations Specifically for Lockdown
Archbishop Justin’s Exploring Prayer Series
looking for a way to help?
Amid the suffering and uncertainty caused by COVID-19, you may be wondering how to help those around you.
If you would like to give to a solidarity fund to help our church family or people in need, you may transfer to the Friends of Holy Trinity Brussels account IBAN BE67 1030 7048 2187 with a communication, “For Solidarity Fund.” To make a regular donation to the life and work of Holy Trinity, see all the options by clicking this link.
The Community Kitchen
If you or someone you know is in need of food support from the Community Kitchen, we produce individually portioned meals for this purpose. Please contact the Community Kitchen (
Pastoral Care
In these times of increasing isolation, stress, and fear, members of the Holy Trinity Pastoral Care Team are available to accompany you remotely (via phone or Zoom). If you would like to speak to someone, please contact us.