Caring for Creation


the fifth mark of mission

The Anglican Communion has agreed to five key priorities when it comes to proclaiming God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. These are called the “Marks of Mission,” and be found here. As a community, Holy Trinity is committed to living out these marks of mission, including the fifth, which concerns stewarding and caring for God’s creation. Succinctly put, it states that the Church is called “[t]o strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”

Holy Trinity is an eco-church

Holy Trinity is recognised by our mission partner and Christian conservationist group, A Rocha, as an Eco-Church. By engaging in A Rocha’s programme of evaluation for environmental stewardship and activity, we were honoured to be awarded the Bronze Award on 1 June 2021.

Read about our garden redevelopment project here.

solar panels and more

In June 2019, Holy Trinity installed 60 solar panels on the church roof, in order to produce renewable and sustainable electricity for the church. The current amount covers all of the current electricity needs. This was made possible by the generous support of the Holy Trinity community.

We are hoping to do more — and to do it together! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. From rainwater harvesting to growing mushrooms, we are open to suggestions to care more for the creation that God loves and has called us to steward and protect.

On harvest Sunday in 2019, we had a series of climate conversations, going over many aspects of the climate crisis and some tips and tricks on how to respond. Notes on these can be found here.

personal stewardship of creation

Holy Trinity encourages the members of its community, whether long-term or recent, to prayerfully consider where God might be calling them to change in their lifestyles, so to care better for creation. The Archbishop of Canterbury has written “The ethical crisis of climate change is an opportunity to find purpose and joy, and to respond to our Creator’s charge. Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation.” You can read the full text here.

As Christian witness is linked to our actions as well as our words, members of Holy Trinity are encouraged to be bold in voicing their concerns for the climate, in seeking to live in a planet-friendly way, and in supporting each other and their neighbours in the changes that the current climate emergency requires of us.

Many Christians will feel grief, anxiety and frustration at the damage that has been done to God’s wonderful creation. Facing our fears together, and taking action in our own lives and collectively, is a powerful way to share hope and demonstrate God’s love.

If you would like to explore different ways that you may respond, here is a document that has several suggestions.