“Caring for Creation – Living out our faith – bringing Hope to others”

The Revd Elizabeth Bussmann, Environment Officer for the Anglican Diocese in Europe is encouraging us to attend one or more of the talks on “Caring for Creation –   Living out our faith – bringing Hope to others”.  5 talks will take place between Saturday 17th April and Monday 26th of April.  The first of them is taking place on Saturday 17th, 10 – 12 am, and Revd Dave Bookless (Arocha) will lead us in reflecting on ‘Christianity & the Environment: The Mission of God and the Mission of God’s People’ .

See full program here                                                                         

 For security reasons, only registered persons will be allowed to attend.  If you want to attend, please let Revd Elizabeth Bussmann know by mail at bemdeo@gmail.com