Michael Harvey from Back to Church Sunday fame, and Unlocking the Growth, is coming to Brussels.
Most churches call themselves welcoming but not many call themselves welcoming and inviting.
However, inviting is vital in our generation because nowadays it takes a brave person to walk into a church building on their own. Michael will address this issue head-on.
The programme:
1000-1020 Worship
1020-1130 Understanding the greatest missed opportunity
1130-1150 Coffee
1150-1300 Building a Culture of Invitation
1300-1340 Soup & Sandwich Lunch
1340-1440 Best Practice
1440-1500 Closing Worship
This seminar takes place under the banner of the Mission Working Party of the Archdeaconry of North West Europe. All are invited, all are welcome!!
For more information on Michael Harvey’s work as Chief Executive National Weekend of Invitation —www.weekendofinvitation.com or Twitter @NWofInvitation @unlockinggrowth.
Signing up: please email Diane Robson at Holy Trinity Brussels: diane.robson@holytrinity.be
Lunch: soup and sandwiches. Voluntary contribution.
For those joining us remotely, please use this link to join a live-streamed webinar.